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Make Plans to Attend the Terral Reunion This Weekend

Make Plans to Attend the Terral Reunion This Weekend

The biennial Terral All School Reunion will be held on Saturday, October 6, 2018, on the grounds of the Terral Community Center.  Registration will begin at 10:00 AM with lunch being served at 12:00 noon.  Note:  Class pictures will be taken at 11:00 AM again this year.  Be sure to tell everyone you see who is associated in any way with Terral School or Union Valley to come early and join us that day. 

Lunch will be catered again this year and you will need a reservation.  Reservations MUST be received no later than September 21, along with a check for $12.00 per meal.

Due to very generous donations the Terral Alumni Association was proud to award four $1,500 scholarships and one $529 scholarship in 2017, and four $2,500 scholarships in 2018.  The scholarships go to deserving persons who reside in the Terral school district, to assist them in continuing their education.  Selling brass nametags for the memorial plaques also assists in funding the scholarships.  The brass nametags are available for $20 and the plaques are permanently displayed in the Terral Community Center.

Please remember there is no membership fee charged to anyone.  The All School Reunion is funded every two years solely on the donations of people who love Terral School and want to enjoy the fellowship of visiting and remembering old times.

If you would like to contribute to the scholarship fund or assist with reunion expenses, you can include that on the registration form, even if you are unable to attend. 

We plan to tour Terral School again this year.  Raffle information is enclosed.      

We hope to see you on October 6th.

If you have questions or need additional information call or email:

Ronnie Ewing @ 940-928-2278 or ronnie.ewing@sbcglobal.net   

Karen Gunter @ 580-437-2347 or karengunter.1950@gmail.com