QUOTE OF THE DAY – “A life not lived for others is not a life” – By: Mother Teresa
CONGRATULATIONS – To the Terral Kindergarten Class and Eighth Grade Graduating class.
I would also like to recognize the Ryan Senior Graduating Class, congratulations and the best of luck with your new adventures of your life.
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH – Wednesday night Kids for Christ, GA’s and RA’s will not have services through the summer. We will start again in August whenever school starts again.
Hope everyone has a great summer!
TERRAL VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT – Will be selling T-shirt until May 31st. Cost is
$15 for regular sizes and $17.00 for 2XL to 4XL. All proceeds go to the Volunteer Fire Department. You may pick up an order form at City Hall and drop it back by the City Hall.
FBC GIRLS IN ACTIONS – The GA’s had their Appreciation and Awards Breakfast on
Saturday, May 12th, Thank you parents for attending and GA’s we appreciate you so much.
A special “Thanks” goes out to Bro. Ayers of the Assembly of God Church for being our guest speaker we really appreciated your words about mission work. We had a great year and a great group of girls. I am looking forward to a bigger and better year next year. I will see you girls at the swim party next month. Have a great summer! Jesus loves you and so do we: Mrs. Shirley and Mrs. Kunkel.
COMMUNITY PRAYER LIST – Tony Rodriquez, Brenda Bryant, Archie Fulton, Scotty Day,
Tom Baysinger, Sue Linton, Martin Villarreal, Sr., Joe Harnois, Esther Grimes, Marie Pollan,
Virginia Tanner, Darlene Hall, T.K. Delaney, Manuel Villarreal, Shana Reed and our military stationed around the world. May God keep you in His loving care.