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Monday, January 27, 2025

Waurika Library News


 Story Time returns to the Waurika Public Library every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m.  We read stories to the children and after Story Time there are games and computers that the children can use.  Next week, we’ll read “Our Day at the Zoo” released by the Oklahoma City Zoo and Metropolitan Library System.

The Oklahoma City Zoo and Metropolitan Library System rolled out a new, statewide literacy program called Read for Adventure. This program aims to promote literacy within families, increase their contact with the outdoors and provide an outlet for invaluable, nature-inspired discoveries.  Educating Oklahomans about wildlife and wild places has always been central to the OKC Zoo’s mission and through this partnership, are inspiring children to read about wildlife and connect with those same animals and plants at the Zoo.  

For this program the OKC Zoo and Metropolitan Library System introduced the children’s book “Our Day at the Zoo”.  The story is about children that visit and imitate a variety of animals on a trip to the OKC Zoo and Botanical Garden.  The book is available for check out at the Waurika Public Library and patrons that check out “Our Day at the Zoo” will receive one free voucher good for general admission for four people to the Oklahoma City Zoo good through March 31, 2019. 

The FRIENDS of the Waurika Public Library Fall Used Book Sale is coming soon.  The Used Book Sale is currently scheduled for Saturday, Oct 27th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the annex across from the library.  We’ll have lots of books to choose from at great prices.  Don’t miss it!

The Waurika Public Library increases our selection every week.  Recent additions include books from authors such as Sue Grafton, James Patterson, Nora Roberts, Stuart Woods, David Baldacci and more.  Come check them out!

For information about events, activities and more, visit our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/WaurikaPublicLibrary/

Waurika Library News July 5 2018


Week 4 of the Summer Reading Program wrapped up on June 29th. Kim Clampitt setup activities for the week.  

On Monday, June 25th, after Drop Everything And Read, the kids began working on making drums. They started by painting cans. The kids also started decorating paper plates to make elephants.  Thanks to the Hastings Baptist Church for providing and serving lunch today. They brought hot dogs, strawberries, grapes, chips, cookies, and lemonade.

On Tuesday, after DEAR time, the kids finished making their drums by putting balloons over their painted cans to make the drum head. They finished up their elephants attaching party horns to make the elephant’s trunk.  Thanks to Patricia McGriff for making sandwiches for lunch. Along with sandwiches the kids had chips, grapes, and fruit cups

On Wednesday,  after DEAR time, the kids talked about insects. For their craft, they made ‘buzzing bees’ with index cards, craft sticks, rubber bands and string.  After making their ‘buzzing bees’, the kids headed over to the park to try them out. The ‘bees’ buzz when the kids swing them around by the string. Thanks to Kristie Gaines and her team at the Waurika QuikMart for providing pizza for lunch. Thanks to the Waurika Lions Club for serving.

On Thursday, after DEAR time, the kids learned about butterflies.  Thanks to Georgia Spoonemore for coming and teaching the kids about how butterflies grow and how to identify species like Monarchs.  Thanks to Jeffco Helping Hands Food Pantry for providing lunch. Thanks to Carol Prewitt and Jessica Coody with the Waurika Alumni Association for serving.

Friday, after DEAR time, the kids learned about bees. Thanks to Dannie and Janie Ramming for telling the children how bees are raised, what bees do, and how they behave. Dannie and Janie also brought bees for the kids to look at.  After learning about bees, it was time for lunch. Thanks to Gayle Austin for grilling burgers. Thanks to Carol Prewitt for serving. Thanks to Kimberly Morris-Kirkland and the Waurika 4H for cleaning up.

Thanks to Kim Clampitt for coordinating the week. Thanks to Karlee Berthiaume for all of her assistance. Thanks to Brittney Helterbran for all of her help. Thanks to Destiny Foster, Abby Taylor, and Presley Parker for volunteering this summer.

Thanks to all of the people in our community that support this wonderful program.

It’s not too late to sign your child up! Programming runs each weekday, June 4 – July 27 – with the exception of the July 4 holiday. Reading and activities will be from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. with lunch served at 11:30 a.m. Children attending the Summer Reading Program must be picked up by their parent/guardian by noon each day.

Denise Linzman, Melicia McFadden and Debbie Brandon serve at the Waurika Library Summer Reading Program.

Children must be registered to attend. In addition to registration, age requirements include children entering first grade in the fall through those entering fifth grade in the fall. Older school-aged children are welcome to participate as helpers. For information or registration forms, visit the Waurika Public Library or call 580.228.3274.

The Summer Reading Program is free to attend. The public library, community organizations and individuals care about your children. Together we raised funds to offer daily educational programs and week-day lunches to keep your children’s minds and bodies fed this summer. Whether keeping track of the amount of time your children spend reading or the number of books they’ve read this summer, children who attend the Summer Reading Program keep their minds active and enter the new school year ready to succeed.

For information about events, activities and more, visit our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/WaurikaPublicLibrary/

Waurika Library News June 28 2018


Week 3 of the Summer Reading Program started on June 11th. Ramona Johnson and Heidi Townsend continued setting up activities for the week.  

On Monday, Paul Shults visited to play the guitar and sing with the children. Thanks Paul!  After singing and working on crafts, the kids went outside to start preparing the tires for plants.  Thanks to Manya Reid and the Hastings Baptist Church for providing lunch today. They brought hot dogs, watermelon, lemonade and dessert.

Paul Shults entertaining at the Library

On Tuesday, after DEAR time,  the kids made tambourines. Monday, they had started by drawing on paper plates. Tuesday, they sewed the paper plates together with yarn, placing jingle bells along the edges. Thanks to Bill’s Catfish for providing chicken strips, fries, hush puppies, and grapes for lunch. Thanks to Richard and Patricia McGriff for serving.

Richard and Pat McGriff

On Wednesday,  after DEAR time, the kids started making wind chimes. They painted clay pots that had washers attached to strings for the chimes.  Thanks to Kristie Gaines and her team at the Waurika Quick Mart for providing pizza for lunch and thanks to the Waurika Lions Club for serving.

On Thursday, after Drop Everything And Read, the kids continued to work on their wind chimes. They added beads to the strings the washer were attached to.  Thanks to Jeffco Helping Hands Food Pantry for providing lunch on Thursdays. The kids had ham sandwiches, fruit and milk. Thanks to Rachel Lewis and Amy Watkins with the Waurika Alumni Assoc for serving.

Friday wrapped up Week 3 of the Summer Reading Program. After reading time, Heidi Johnson Townsend took the kids outside to continue working on the tire planters.  After working on the plants, the kids headed over to the park for some play.

Thanks to the Waurika Volunteer Fire Department and Waurika Police Department for grilling hamburgers for lunch. Thanks to Carol Prewitt for helping prep.  Thanks to Lauren Nitschke and Kim Morris for serving.

Thanks to Ramona Johnson and Heidi Townsend for coordinating this week. Thanks to Karlee Berthiaume for all of her assistance. Thanks to Brittney Helterbran for all of her help. Thanks to Presley Parker for volunteering this summer.

Ramona Johnson
Heidi Townsend

Thanks to all of the people in our community that support this wonderful program.

It’s not too late to sign your child up! Programming runs each weekday, June 4 – July 27 – with the exception of the July 4 holiday. Reading and activities will be from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. with lunch served at 11:30 a.m. Children attending the Summer Reading Program must be picked up by their parent/guardian by noon each day.

Children must be registered to attend. In addition to registration, age requirements include children entering first grade in the fall through those entering fifth grade in the fall. Older school-aged children are welcome to participate as helpers. For information or registration forms, visit the Waurika Public Library or call 580.228.3274.

The Summer Reading Program is free to attend. The public library, community organizations and individuals care about your children. Together we raised funds to offer daily educational programs and week-day lunches to keep your children’s minds and bodies fed this summer. Whether keeping track of the amount of time your children spend reading or the number of books they’ve read this summer, children who attend the Summer Reading Program keep their minds active and enter the new school year ready to succeed.

For information about events, activities and more, visit our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/WaurikaPublicLibrary/

Library News June 22 2018


Week 2 of the Summer Reading Program started on June 11th. Ramona Johnson and Heidi Townsend took over setting up activities for the week.  

On Monday, after Drop Everything And Read, Ramona talked about the importance of books and then had the kids make their own books using rubber bands and craft sticks to bind them.  After reading and crafts the kids went outside to draw on the bricks with chalk while lunch was made. Thanks to Vicki Etheridge and Starr Heron for making and serving PB&J with a side of fruit.

On Tuesday, after DEAR time, the kids talked about seeds and growing plants.  After the discussion, the kids got to plant some flower seeds in cups. Next, they drew flowers in the books they had made yesterday.  For lunch, we thank Dee Goss and her team at Circle D’s for providing corn dogs, french fries and drinks. Thanks to Richard and Patricia McGriff for serving lunch.

On Wednesday, Ken Smith and members of the Comanche Masonic Lodge came to help out and donate to the Summer Reading Program. The Comanche Masonic Lodge makes a sizable donation each year that really helps support the Summer Reading Program.

After DEAR time, the kids learned about recipes. Then, they added the recipe for Rice Krispies Treats to the books they made.  Next, the kids proceeded to make Rice Krispies Treats for themselves. The kids had fun mashing and shaping the treats and of course eating them.  Wednesdays are pizza day! We thank Kristie Gaines and her team at Waurika Quick Mart for providing the pizzas and thanks to the Waurika Lions Club and Comanche Masonic Lodge 41 for serving.

On Thursday, after DEAR time, Ramona Johnson read ‘Our Day at the Zoo’ to the kids. ‘Our Day at the Zoo’ is a children’s book produced by the OKC Zoo. The book is part of a promotion by the OKC Zoo giving free passes to those that read the book. Kids attending received free passes to the zoo! If would like free passes to the OKC Zoo, you can come by the library and have your child read the book or read it to them.

Ramona Johnson reads to students at the summer reading program.

After reading, Madison with the Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden came to talk about animals with the kids. She also brought along a tenrec, a Savannah monitor lizard, and some Madagascar hissing cockroaches. The kids had a great time. 

Thank you, Madison!

After the visit from the zoo, it was time for lunch. Thanks to Adam Brinson and Jeffco Helping Hands for providing pancakes, sausage, fruit, potatoes and milk for lunch. Thanks to the Waurika Alumni Association for serving.

Friday wrapped up Week 2 of the Summer Reading Program. Fridays are park days and after Drop Everything And Read, the kids headed outside for some fla-vor-ice and play.  Once the kids came back inside, it was time for lunch.  Thanks to the Waurika Fire and Police Departments for grilling hamburgers. Thanks to Carol Prewitt and Melicia McFadden for prepping and serving lunch.

Thanks to Ramona Johnson and Heidi Townsend for coordinating this week. Thanks to Karlee Berthiaume for all of her assistance. Thanks to Brittney Helterbran for all of her help. Thanks to Destiny Foster and Presley Parker for volunteering this summer.

Thanks to all of the people in our community that support this wonderful program.

It’s not too late to sign your child up! Programming runs each weekday, June 4 – July 27 – with the exception of the July 4 holiday. Reading and activities will be from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. with lunch served at 11:30 a.m. Children attending the Summer Reading Program must be picked up by their parent/guardian by noon each day.

Children must be registered to attend. In addition to registration, age requirements include children entering first grade in the fall through those entering fifth grade in the fall. Older school-aged children are welcome to participate as helpers. For information or registration forms, visit the Waurika Public Library or call 580.228.3274.

The Summer Reading Program is free to attend. The public library, community organizations and individuals care about your children. Together we raised funds to offer daily educational programs and week-day lunches to keep your children’s minds and bodies fed this summer. Whether keeping track of the amount of time your children spend reading or the number of books they’ve read this summer, children who attend the Summer Reading Program keep their minds active and enter the new school year ready to succeed.

For information about events, activities and more, visit our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/WaurikaPublicLibrary/

Library News June 14 2018


The Summer Reading Program kicked off last week on June 4th.  

Monday, after DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) time, the kids made banjos. After reading and crafts, it was time for lunch. Thanks to Sonic for providing grilled cheese and tater tots and thanks to Vicki Etheridge and Starr Heron for helping out.

Tuesday, after DEAR time the kids made maracas using plastic eggs, grains and spoons. After they finished their craft they went outside to play games finding eggs under cans.  For lunch, Patricia McGriff made hot dogs for the kids served with fruit and chips. Thank you Pat!

Wednesday, after DEAR time, the kids made kazoos with toilet paper rolls, wax paper, and rubber bands. After making their craft, the kids headed outside to race while holding a pool noodle between their knees.  Thanks to Kristie Gaines and her team at the Quick Mart for providing pizza today for lunch. Thanks to the Waurika Lion’s Club for serving.

Thursday, after DEAR time, Mr. Hodges, the Waurika band director, came to talk about music and brought a variety of instruments such as a trumpet, trombone, flute and drum. Thank you Mr. Hodges!  Mr. Hodes  also gave them clackers and tambourines and had them play along while he played the trombone. Next, the kids made harmonicas out of craft sticks.  After the presentation and crafts, the kids had lunch. Thanks to Adam Brinson and Jeffco Helping Hands for providing lunch today. Also thanks to Carol Prewitt and Anita Goza-Solomon for helping serve.

Friday wrapped up the first week of the Summer Reading Program. Fridays are park days and after Drop Everything And Read, the kids headed outside for some flavor-ice and play.  Once the kids came back inside, it was time for lunch. Thanks to Gary and Lauren Nitschke for providing the meat and grilling hamburgers. Thanks to Carol Prewitt for helping prep and serve.

Thanks to Kim Clampitt for setting up activities last week. It was her first time teaching for the Summer Reading Program and she did great! We’ll see her back for Week 4. This week, Ramona Johnson will be here to coordinate the program.

Thanks to Karlee Berthiaume for all of her assistance.  Thanks to Brittney Helterbran for all of her help.  Also, thanks to Destiny Foster and Presley Parker for volunteering this summer.  Thanks to all of the people in our community that support this wonderful program.

It’s not too late to sign your child up! Programming runs each weekday, June 4 – July 27 – with the exception of the July 4 holiday. Reading and activities will be from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. with lunch served at 11:30 a.m. Children attending the Summer Reading Program must be picked up by their parent/guardian by noon each day.

Children must be registered to attend. In addition to registration, age requirements include children entering first grade in the fall through those entering fifth grade in the fall. Older school-aged children are welcome to participate as helpers. For information or registration forms, visit the Waurika Public Library or call 580.228.3274.

The Summer Reading Program is free to attend. The public library, community organizations and individuals care about your children. Together we raised funds to offer daily educational programs and week-day lunches to keep your children’s minds and bodies fed this summer. Whether keeping track of the amount of time your children spend reading or the number of books they’ve read this summer, children who attend the Summer Reading Program keep their minds active and enter the new school year ready to succeed.

For information about events, activities and more, visit our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/WaurikaPublicLibrary/

Library News May 31 2018


On Saturday, June 2nd, the FRIENDS of the Waurika Public Library are having a used book sale.  For $3 we’ll have bags that you can fill with books!  DVDs will also be for sale for $1 each.  Proceeds will go to help programs and activities at the library.

Summer is right around the corner!  The Waurika Public Library invites elementary-aged children, those who will be entering 1st grade through 5th grade in September, to attend this year’s Summer Reading Program. A variety of weekday programming will be offered and lunch will be provided daily for any school-aged child.

The theme this year is Libraries Rock!  Programming will run each weekday, June 4-July 27 with the exception of the July 4 holiday.  Reading and activities will be from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. with lunch served at 11:30 a.m.  Children attending the Summer Reading Program must be picked up by their parent/guardian at noon each day.

Children must be registered to attend. For more information or registration forms, visit the Waurika Public Library or call 580.228.3274.

The Summer Reading Program is free to attend.  The public library, community organizations and individuals care about your children. Together we raised funds to offer daily educational programs and week-day lunches to keep your children’s minds and bodies fed this summer. Whether keeping track of the amount of time your children spend reading or the number of books they’ve read this summer, children who attend the Summer Reading Program keep their minds active and enter the new school year ready

to succeed.

For information about events, activities and more, visit our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/WaurikaPublicLibrary/

Waurika Library News


 On Saturday, June 2nd, the FRIENDS of the Waurika Public Library are having a used book sale.  For $3 we’ll have bags that you can fill with books!  DVDs will also be for sale for $1 each.  Proceeds will go to help programs and activities at the library.

Summer is right around the corner!  The Waurika Public Library invites elementary-aged children, those who will be entering 1st grade through 5th grade in September, to attend this year’s Summer Reading Program. A variety of weekday programming will be offered and lunch will be provided daily for any school-aged child.

The theme this year is Libraries Rock!  Programming will run each weekday, June 4-July 27 with the exception of the July 4 holiday.  Reading and activities will be from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. with lunch served at 11:30 a.m.  Children attending the Summer Reading Program must be picked up by their parent/guardian at noon each day.

Children must be registered to attend. For more information or registration forms, visit the Waurika Public Library or call 580.228.3274.

The Summer Reading Program is free to attend.  The public library, community organizations and individuals care about your children. Together we raised funds to offer daily educational programs and week-day lunches to keep your children’s minds and bodies fed this summer. Whether keeping track of the amount of time your children spend reading or the number of books they’ve read this summer, children who attend the Summer Reading Program keep their minds active and enter the new school year ready to succeed.

For information about events, activities and more, visit our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/WaurikaPublicLibrary/

Waurika Library News


The Waurika Public Library’s annual Scholastic Book Fair starts Saturday, May 5th to coincide with Downtown Again! At the Book Fair, you will find hundreds of books from new and favorite authors, popular series, cool posters, school supplies, and fun for everyone! The Scholastic Book Fair brings to Waurika a wonderful selection of fun, engaging, and affordable books kids want to read. Giving kids access to good books and the opportunity to choose books will motivate them to read more!

Summer is right around the corner! The Waurika Public Library invites elementary-aged children, those who will be entering 1st grade through 5th grade in September, to attend this year’s Summer Reading Program. A variety of weekday programming will be offered and lunch will be provided daily for any school-aged child.

The theme this year is Libraries Rock! Programming will run each weekday, June 4-July 27 with the exception of the July 4 holiday. Reading and activities will be from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. with lunch served at 11:30 a.m. Children attending the Summer Reading Program must be picked up by their parent/guardian at noon each day.

Children must be registered to attend. For more information or registration forms, visit the Waurika Public Library or call 580.228.3274.

Waurika Library News April 12 2018


Summer is right around the corner!  The Waurika Public Library invites elementary-aged children, those who will be entering 1st grade through 5th grade in September, to attend this year’s Summer Reading Program. A variety of weekday programming will be offered and lunch will be provided daily for any school-aged child.

The theme this year is Libraries Rock!  Programming will run each weekday, June 4-July 27 with the exception of the July 4 holiday.  Reading and activities will be from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. with lunch served at 11:30 a.m.  Children attending the Summer Reading Program must be picked up by their parent/guardian at noon each day.

Children must be registered to attend. For more information or registration forms, visit the Waurika Public Library or call 580.228.3274.

The Summer Reading Program is free to attend.  The public library, community organizations and individuals care about your children. Together we raised funds to offer daily educational programs and week-day lunches to keep your children’s minds and bodies fed this summer. Whether keeping track of the amount of time your children spend reading or the number of books they’ve read this summer, children who attend the Summer Reading Program keep their minds active and enter the new school year ready to succeed.

For information about events, activities and more, visit our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/WaurikaPublicLibrary/

New Polices at the Waurika Library


The Waurika City Council on March 12th voted to approve policy changes for the Waurika Public Library as recommended by the Library Board of Trustees.

Due to these new policy changes, all patrons will need to sign the updated Internet Access Agreement  before use of electronic equipment (E.g. computers or tablets).  All patrons under 18 will need to have their parent/guardian register them under the new Library Policy and Internet Access Agreement before using the library.

Summary of Policy changes:

* Age requirements for unattended children: Patrons under 12 or in 4th grade and below must be accompanied by a parent or designated responsible person over the age of 18.

* Unattended children are restricted from using southern room of library

* Patron computer usage limited to a total of 90 minutes/day

* Children/minors in the Library Policy are defined as patrons under the age of 18.

The following sections of the Library Policy have been amended to reflect the approved changes.  A full copy of the updated Library Policy is available at the Waurika Public Library.

III. Patron Responsibilities and Conduct

Paragraph 2 Young children:

Therefore, it is library policy that all children under the age of 12 and/or in the Fourth Grade and under must be accompanied by a parent or designated responsible person over the age of 18 while in the library.  Also, if the young a child under 12 is attending a library program, we may require the parent/responsible person to remain in the library throughout the program.  Some exceptions to this rule may include  attendance at the Summer Reading Program, Santa’s Workshop and Dr. Seuss Day. No child under the age of 18 will allowed in the South Room of the library without adult supervision.

XIII. Equipment Use Policy

Computers are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Instructions for operating hardware as displayed near the computer. There is no charge for use of the computer; however, in order to make the service available to as many patrons as possible, a time limit for usage has been imposed. That time limit is one hour. Once the one-hour limit is reached, if there are no patrons waiting for the computers, a 15- minute extension may be allowed by library staff.  Total usage time will not exceed 90 minutes in a calendar day. Library staff are available for general assistance in using the computer.  However, staff are not expected to train patrons in the use of application programs. Tutorial manuals will be provided when available.

XIV. Internet Use Policy


As with all library resources, the library affirms the right and responsibility of parents and guardians to determine and monitor their minor children’s use of the Internet. There is no age limit for use of any materials provided on the Internet. Parents or legal guardians who believe that their children cannot responsibly use the library’s Internet access are requested to monitor their children’s Internet use and must assume responsibility for their children’s use of the library’s Internet service; prior to being granted access to the Internet, a parent must sign the Internet Use Agreement for children under 18 years of age.


Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA)

Minors are defined in this policy as children and young people under the age of 18 years.

Many events and programs at the library are supported and funded by the Friends of the Waurika Public Library.  The Friends have started their sponsorship drive for 2018.  Sponsorship of the Friends starts at just $10.  For more information, to become a sponsor, or volunteer, please visit the Waurika Public Library.

For information about events, activities and more, visit our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/WaurikaPublicLibrary/


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