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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Families can register their grade 7-9 children for free online math tutoring


Students, families can sign up for OSDE’s Math Tutoring Corps through Sept. 1

OKLAHOMA CITY (Aug. 15, 2022) – The Math Tutoring Corps initiative offered by the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) is encouraging interested Oklahoma families to register their students for free, high-dosage tutoring in mathematics. Beginning in September, trained tutors will work with groups of no more than four students in grades 7, 8 and 9 to reinforce the math processes they are studying in class and prepare them for higher-level coursework.

The tutoring will be done virtually and is designed for students who seek targeted support for growth in grade-level mathematics. Students will attend three 50-minute online tutoring sessions per week.

“Research has shown that students who participate in intensive, high-dosage tutoring improve their grades in math,” said State Superintendent of Public Instruction Joy Hofmeister. “The Math Tutoring Corps will help kids have greater confidence in their math skills and be more college and career ready.”

The OSDE launched a successful pilot program for Math Tutoring Corps in spring 2022, with nearly 400 participants. A post-pilot survey revealed:

  • 90% of participants increased their understanding of mathematics.
  • 84% of families said participating students were more confident about math.
  • 84% of students indicated they would be more likely to persevere after making a mistake.

Students are eligible to participate in one or both of the OSDE’s Math Tutoring Corps sessions during the 2022-23 school year. Each session can accommodate up to 1,500 students. The first runs Sept. 18 through Nov. 19, the second in spring 2023. Families and students can enroll for the upcoming session through this link by Sept. 1. The OSDE will provide any needed technology or internet access, and tutoring schedules will occur during students’ free time outside of the school day.

Additional information is available on the OSDE’s Math Tutoring Corps webpage.

The OSDE is investing $5 million in pandemic relief funding in the Oklahoma Math Tutoring Corps through summer 2024. Math Tutoring Corps is a component of Ready Together Oklahoma: An Action Plan for Supporting Students Through the Pandemic and Beyond. More information is available in this FAQ document.

To see a video of a student from the Math Tutoring Corps pilot, click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtkrnyJI0gQ

D-K Metal Form Co. Inc Celebrates 50 Years in Business


 D-K Metal is a family business. It’s been family owned and operated since day one. The name itself stands for Don, Dora Donnie and Keith (Lisa wasn’t born yet). Thus  the D-K Metal Form Company was born. It all began in 1972 at the same location on which it stands today. Before that the building had been a mechanic shop and a car dealership. 

 The building was built by Mr. Simmons (Bill and June Simmons). Later Hubert Welch bought it and turned it into a mechanic shop. One of the mechanics  who worked there was Don Watkins. 

Don and Donnie Watkins cut a sheet of metal on a machine inside D-K Metal. At this time, they employed 14 workers. (News-Democrat photo)

Don Watkins and his business partner, owner of Wichita Metal Products of Wichita Falls, had the original idea for the business. Don had been a salesman for a steel supplier known as AMSCO. One of his customer’s was Wichita Metal Products. The owner needed a better supplier. Together they came up the idea of starting their own metal shop. Fifty years later they are still supplying Wichita Metal Products with supplies. 

Originally, the Watkins family had to lease the property in order to begin. When they first took over the property they spent a month remodeling the facility in order to convert it for the purpose it fulfills today. Larger doors had to be installed, new wiring had to be run and the huge brake presses and sheers had to be put in place. Once the building was ready, it took about a week for the first load of steel to arrive. 

Donnie Watkins remembers being 13 years old when the remodeling process began. At the age of 14 he would ride his motorcycle to work.

Keith Watkins began working in the family business when he was 12, sweeping the floors. Later he was promoted to stacking (and sweeping the floors). 

Donnie and Keith have been partners since their father, Don, passed away in 1990 (Their mother Dora passed in 2021). At that time, Keith dropped out of college and came back to help operate the family business. Some have commented, “I don’t see how brothers can work together.” What they don’t realize is that not only are they brothers, they are also best friends. 

Donnie is married to the County Assessor, Sandra (daughter of Fred and Betty Richardson  former co-owners of Gerken-Richardson Auto in Waurika. Gary and Becky Gerken were the other owners. Becky is Sandra’s sister). Keith is married to Patricia (Martin), she and her father were the previous owners of the bent can store that was located in downtown Waurika. 

The Watkins are descendants of Merle and Jewel Watkins and Lester and Thelma Neal. Merle worked for the WPA, was a farmer and worked for the state. The Neals moved here from Sulphur. Lester had worked for a ranch there that moved their operations here and settled near Claypool. 

Over the years they have built parts for new military bases and new towns in Saudi Arabia. They built parts used in facilities constructed for the  Summer Olympics of 1996 held in Atlanta Georgia. At one time they even built front bumpers for pickup trucks. They also supplied parts for up to 17 manufactured home companies. 

They also supplied specialty parts for the Denver Airport. This was a huge job that literally took a toll on Donnie’s health. He has now been retired for four years. However, he still comes by the shop everyday at noon. If he didn’t he says he would go crazy. 

Over the years they have been loyal to their customers and their customers have been loyal to them. 

At the height of their productivity, D-K would run two shifts per day. Donnie remembers those days because when he would arrive at work he would have to stack the scrap metal left over from the night crew before tackling his duties for the day crew. During that time they employed around 17 people at one time. One of those working at that time was Terry Pilgreen. 

Terry Pilgreen, an employee of D-K Metal for nine years. He started working for the business in 1972 when it first opened (Waurika News-Democrat photo)

D-K Metal is a parts builder says Keith. He and Donnie said they take flat metal and shape it and mold it into whatever the customer needs. 

Their days are long hot and exhausting. It can also be tedious. Some days a worker will stand in the same position for several hours in repetitive motion contraction the same part over and over again. 

 It takes a steady hand and complete concentration, especially when you are constructing 10,000 identical pieces. 

Things have certainly changed over the years. Donnie says he can remember when metal was only 13 cents per pound. It’s over $1 per pound now. They’ve experienced lean times and prosperous times. Things got really tough after 2008. There were times when they only fired up the machines two times per month. Things were tough during the COVID crises as well. 

The Watkins brothers are proud to say their employees have always been like a family. Many of their employees stayed with them over 20 years. Some worked for the Watkins more than 30 years. Donnie says he misses those employees who were his lifelong friends. “If you work with someone for 30 years, 8 and 9 hours per day, you are going to know everything about their kids and things going on in their life.  You spend more time with them than you do with your own family,” they said. Just to mention a few, the Gozales brothers, Joe Fannon and Robert Gutierrez, Sr. 

 picture of D-K Metal employees found in the 1976 Waurika HS yearbook. 

Along with employees and former employees, the Watkins have developed close ties with the community. Johnson, Auto and Tractor Supply along with Darrell and Carolyn Beaver and Beaver Lumber Company. Gratefulness is the word that best describes their feelings. The feelings the Watkins feel for their fellow business owners and the feelings the fellow business owners have for them. Johnson Auto extends their congratulations for 50 years of business and have expressed that appreciation with an Ad in this week’s paper. Darrell and Carolyn Beaver as well as their ex employees of Beaver Lumber Company wishes to express their congratulations as well. Darrell said there were times when they would exchange fork lifts or help each other in various ways. 

l-r) Keith and Donnie Watkins, owners of D-K Metal Form Co. 
They have been a part of the family business since 1972. 
The business was started by their father Don that year. 
Keith and Donnie are not just brothers, they are best friends! (Photo by Curtis L. Plant)

“All in all it’s been good,” the Watkins say. The business has been their life. However, they wouldn’t trade their lives and experiences for the world. “Maybe for a little extra money,” they joke. But not for the world. 

Waurika Cub Scouts Earn Highest Rank


Cub Scouts Advancement ceremony 2022

Arlington Forst earned Tiger Rank

Canyon Carter & Heston Etheridge- Wolf Rank

Eli Patterson- Bear Rank

Jackson Edwards & Jake Reagan- Webelos Rank

Easton Barnes, Landon Brackett, Oat Wyler and Ace Dyer earned the Arrow of Light award (This is the highest rank you can achieve in Cub Scouts. It’s like getting your Eagle Rank in Boy Scouts.)

Rex Dunn Inducted into the Bull Riding Hall of Fame


This past weekend, the Dunn family gathered in Ft. Worth, Texas to participate in a special ceremony inducting Rex Dunn, “Mr. Smooth” into the Bull Riding Hall of fame. 

Rex was a world famous rodeo clown and bull fighter from Hastings, Oklahoma. 

He has been inducted into the Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame, Western Heritage Hall of Fame, Wrangler Bull fight Hall of fame and now the Bull Riding Hall of Fame in Ft. Worth, Texas. 

Congratulations to the Dunn Family. 

Applications for Chickasaw Arts Academy now available


The Chickasaw Arts Academy is taking applications for the 2022 summer session. This unique academy emphasizes Chickasaw and other Southeastern First American cultures and tribal aesthetics through the fine and performing arts. Applications can be found at Chickasaw.net/ArtsAcademy. 

Applications must be  submitted by May 25. Eligibility requires participants to be between the ages of 8-18 by July 9, Chickasaw or dependent of a Chickasaw citizen or previous attendee. 

The Chickasaw Arts Academy is an intensive exploration of  various artistic fields, career preparatory programming and student-oriented skill development. Participants gain experience in 2D and 3D visual art, culinary art, musical theater, dance, vocal music, instrumental music and composition, photography, theater technology, video production, fashion and accessory design, costume design, special effects and makeup, and much more.


Students are divided into the following programs to accommodate specific ages and skill levels:

Starting Arts Rotation (STAR) (ages 8-10)

Orientation for students, parents and faculty is July 9. The academy begins July 11 and lasts through July 15. The one-week experience will culminate with an arts gala highlighting student work and a performing arts showcase Friday, July 15, at East Central University (ECU), located at 1100 E. 14th St., Ada, Oklahoma.

Academy activities for this age group take place during the day. Housing and transportation are not provided.

Intermediate (ages 11-13) and Majors (ages 14-18)

Orientation for students, parents and faculty is July 16. The academy begins July 18 and lasts through July 22. The summer session will conclude Friday, July 22, with an arts gala to share student work with visual art pieces, culinary creations and a showcase incorporating all of the performing arts disciplines into a final production at ECU.

Transportation is not provided. Intermediate academy sessions take place during the day.

Ages 14-18 may stay overnight on campus. Housing is provided for students ages 14-18. To attend the majors academy, students must be age 14 by July 16.

Attending the summer session of the academy is a prerequisite for the fall session, spring session and any additional session of the Chickasaw Arts Academy.

If accepted, students must be willing to commit to the entire length of the session. Students should have appropriate communications skills respective to their age, based on standard educational training.

To best serve the needs of students, please disclose any pertinent developmental and/or behavioral conditions so that accommodations or arrangements can be made prior to the academy.

For more information, contact the Chickasaw Nation Arts & Humanities office at (580) 272-5520 or email ArtsAcademy@Chickasaw.net.

Shared Ideals in Public Schools?


On Wednesday, April 20, 2022, I personally delivered a book to each Oklahoma Legislator’s office called Shared Ideals in Public Schools: Enduring Values that Unite Parents and Educators. I outlined the book a year ago on a series of notecards in a meeting with my local legislators as a possible path to restore local control to public schools. Parents and local educators solve the toughest, most controversial of issues at the kid level every day, but kid-level issues can rarely be fixed by faraway strangers from Capital City or Washington D.C. Central planners do not necessarily have bad intentions; they are just too far away from the local realities. 

For full disclosure, I produced this book at my own expense, and if it does somehow sell any copies, I have committed those funds to our local public school foundation. I wrote it because parents and local educators are being increasingly forced between two extreme options on a national level: a choice between progressive march toward Marxism or a progressive march toward Crony Capitalism. Nevertheless, such extreme national views do not represent the parents and educators I have worked with. One side seems to believe that big government knows better, while the other side seems to believe that big corporations know better. Meanwhile, both sides perpetuate the corporate testing structure to the detriment of learning, because both sides derive power from false metrics that offer little or no value at the kid level. Consequently, local parents and educators have less influence on a child’s education than the federal government.   

Shared Ideals in Public Schools proposes that local parents and educators agree regarding local control, parental rights, faith-welcoming schools, safety and security, relevant and rigorous academics, adult-ready graduates, equal rights and equal opportunities, hidden agendas, transparency, and accountability. When operating within these principles, your local parents and educators successfully navigate the most difficult problems, but they do this at the kid-level, not because well-intentioned central planners came to the rescue. 

I know parents and educators who are very ardent Democrats or Republicans, but their politics almost always fade at the kid-level. I do not know any educators who believe they know better than supportive parents, and I do not know any parents who believe their teachers are evil. They work together, even when they have differences, for the children they love. They take of their Cable News Goggles and do what is best for an individual child. Blanket decisions rarely work, but when we focus on individual children’s needs without endangering other students, local parents and educators can work miracles. We must give them the chance, however, and we will never do that as long as partisan extremists keep us focused on extreme examples. 

We must first identify those enduring principles that unite us on the local level. We must also model the behavior we expect to see in our children. Unfortunately, national partisan forces create contrived division, and they demonize anyone who disagrees with them. Our children will never know true tolerance until we adults can disagree with civility. We can disagree without demonizing. We can tolerate someone else’s views without adopting them . . . or demanding they adopt ours. 

Admittedly, I may be an arrogant fool, for self-delusion is rarely self-evident. Hopefully, this book reflects the hearts and minds of parents and educators currently voiceless in a shrill world of extreme megaphones. Shared Ideals in Public Schools will be free on Amazon Kindle from April 25 through April 29. That’s the longest they will let me make it free. If you live in Duncan, I have several free paperback copies available. (Of course, there may be a reason it is self-published!) May we soon rediscover the wisdom of local parents and educators in our state and nation.

Tom Deighan is superintendent of Duncan Public Schools. You may email him at  deighantom@gmail.com and read past articles at www.mostlyeducational.com

Adam Brinson Reflects on His time on the City Commission

 Adam Brinson took office in April of 2019. Monday was his last official meeting as a commissioner. 

When he started one of his goals was to keep from raising water rates. During the last three years the commission has only raised water rates one time and that was to keep up with the rate of inflation. 

Since 2019 the citizens of Waurika passed a bond issue which allowed the Fire Department to purchase much needed  safety equipment along with a ladder truck which  will allow fire fighters to effectively access the roof tops of burning houses. Thankfully, their hasn’t been any house fires since the purchase of the truck.  If a house fire does occur the department has the equipment they need to put it out quickly and safely. 

Brinson says commissioners have worked hard to set aside enough money to survive emergencies.  The accepted accounting goal is to have enough unrestricted cash to survive three years without any positive revenue. The city is well on its way to meet that goal. In the past there were times when the city had a hard time keeping its head above water.

He said some have asked him about the purchase of new police and city vehicles.  He said the units purchased met state requirements and are safe. He also says the previous vehicles were costing more in repairs than they were worth, thus not being cost effective. For example, police vehicles are more expensive because of the required equipment which does not come standard.  

The hiring of Kyote Dunn has been good for Waurika. Brinson says the commissioners interviewed many qualified candidates and thoughtfully considered each one before selecting Dunn. He says he has been impressed with Dunn’s diligence and professionalism. 

Also, he says it has been encouraging to see how people have come together to improve Waurika.

A group of citizens wanted to use the Presbyterian church more often including the ministerial alliance. The problem was the lack of air conditioning. Thankfully an anonymous donations contributed to install the new units making it usable year around. Citizens can expect to see more functions take place in the beautiful Waurika landmark. 

New parks and landscaping has been incredible. Craig Williams and his crew along with countless volunteers have done a tremendous job making Waurika look incredible. There are still more improvements to come as far as parks and recreation are concerned. 

Waurika does not have a city council it has a city commission. Commissioners are not allowed to direct day to day operations. They don’t act individually, they act as one body. Brinson said he has learned much about city government while on the commission.  The members along with citizens must all work together. He says citizens are encouraged to participate in public hearings and weekly meetings. If a citizen wants they can asked to be put on the agenda for the regular meeting or they can speak up during “citizen input” during any meeting. Those who attend meetings faithfully understand why and how decisions are made for the good of the community. No decisions are made without careful consideration.

Brinson is only leaving because of time restraints. He is now the pastor of two churches, here and in Ryan. 

Brinson says it has been an honor to serve with the other commissioners. They have a great working relationship and each one is dedicated to doing what is right for Waurika. 

Kristina Torres and Jerry Wallace Face off for City Commission

Kristina Torres

Kristina Torres

 Kristina Torres is a Waurika Native who has lived here all her life and has a vested interest in the success of Waurika. She feels the city is going in a good direction and doesn’t want it to lose any momentum. She says Waurika is a beautiful town. “We have a great community that has always been supportive of one another.

Torres graduated from Waurika in 2007 as class valedictorian. 

She began her college education at the University of Oklahoma and later transferred to the University of Central Oklahoman located in Edmond. 

She began working for the Waurika Ambulance Service in 2016. Torres is a paramedic, a vocation inspired by her mom. 

Torres is very active within the community. Currently she is helping coach Girls on the Run. Recently she spoke at the Wish Task Force Career Fair held for Waurika students. As part of the task force she is very active in helping adults achieve career success.

Her goal is to do what it takes to help Waurika grow and prosper. She wants to see more activities for children, young people and senior adults. She says she is eager hear citizen’s concerns, and issues. 

Being a first responder, Torres wants to see the Fire Department and emergency services have all the resources they need to keep local citizens safe. 

She also wants to improve the cities infrastructure along with the continued efforts to improve Waurika’s parks. 

Jerry Wallace

Jerry Wallace

Jerry Wallace started life in Love county and moved to Addington when he was in the seventh grade. Wallace says he was raised by the “best mother in the world”. She raised eleven kids in her family. All six boys ended up with Master’s Degrees. Wallace graduated high school from Addington and went on the earn a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Sam Houston State University out of Hunstville, Texas. Before that he earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and Sociology from Central State University. 

“I believe I’m qualified to deal with people and listen to people. That’s what I want to do, listen to the people of this town. I’ve dedicated lots of work to the city. I’ve cleaned up the property of many of the houses they have torn down. I’ve mowed the ditches along the streets for them. I love to work and I love to help people.” 

Over the past 18 years he has been a part of the Baptist Disaster Team. They go all over the country to assist with cleaning up and helping those who have experienced a catastrophe (flood, tornado, hurricane, etc). Last year he was deployed 12 times and this year he has already been deployed twice. It’s purely a labor of love. It’s completely voluntary. He says his reward is simply helping people. 

He retired in 1980 from the Drug Enforcement Administration. He had served 12 years overseas in various countries including Iran. 

He was working in Iran when the embassy was overtaken and the hostage crisis began.  During his years of service he traveled to 45 countries. “God has really blessed me,” he says. 

Wallace says he was Mayor of Waurika for six years during the 1980s. Since then he has kept up with the goings on of Waurika. 

He currently feels Waurika is spending too much money for a small town. As an example, he states he attended a city commissioner meeting where they were wanting to buy a $54,000.00 police car. When he asked if he could address the issue he says they would only allow him to speak for three minutes (Note: All citizens allowed to address the commissioners during citizen input are only given three minutes to speak.) Wallace, said, “I think that is horrendous when they do that. I feel like the council we have today thinks this city is their’s and the money they have is their’s. I see this as the people’s money. They keep taxing us. Every six months they raise the water rates.” 

Referring back to the purchase of the police car he said he attempted to keep them from doing that because they could have purchased one $25,000.00 cheeper. He said they laughed at him. 

He also cited the purchase of the new central air unit for the Presbyterian Church, which he says is only used one time per year yet they spent $12.000.00 on the unit. “I thought that was ridiculous,” he said. 

Later, Wallace said the city “transferred a million dollars from a checking account to a CD and then raised the utility rates 2.5%. Wallace goes on to say that “the average income for the whole town is $36.000.00 per family.” He says the people in town can’t afford to pay the utility rates we have. Wallace says Waurika’s utility rates are the highest in the state according to his research. He says, “Comanche’s minimum utility bill is $36.00. Waurika’s is around $100.00.” Wallace said in Ryan the citizens get water and electric for around $100 per month. 

“We’ve got to improve. We’ve got to have people in there who care about this town. They are the ones we serve. I just feel like if I don’t stand up for what I believe I won’t have a right to complain.” 

“That’s why I am running for city council. I know I can’t do it by myself but maybe I can convince two other ones to go along with me. I just want to leave the town better than I found it.”

“The things that really get me is a year ago they bought five new pickups for the street, water and utility department. Our city limits only go a quarter mile south and a half mile east and a half mile west and people live two miles out on highway five. They sold pickups that were only 15 years old that people are still driving today hauling wood to Wichita Falls. We don’t have to have the best of everything here. It’s all about taxing the people of this town. I can’t see how anyone can pay a $130 -$140 utility bill to the city while living in the housing. That doesn’t include their electricity.”

“The City council thinks this town belongs to them and I can’t stand it. It’s not their town. We pay for everything they do.”

Wallace went on to discuss the ladder truck used by the Waurika Fire Department, “Having a ladder truck on the fire department for $200,000 that the people are having to pay for when we’ve used it two times in the last two years we’ve had it. One was to get a cat out of the tree and the other was in a parade. Do we need it? I don’t think the people need it. The only people who pay for it are property owners. It was a bond and the city council approved it. They can stop expenditures like that if they would just stop and think about the people. I feel for the poor people and feel for the people having financial trouble. I’m going to try to do something about it. I don’t know if one person can start it and get it going but we did in the 1980s. I’m still in good enough health to get in there and fight a good battle. I’ll be working for the people not for city council. I will not go along with anything that cost the people more.

Terral Students Visit Washington DC


Terral students traveled to Washington DC this week.

See more information in next week’s paper.

Waurika Boy Scouts Participate in Mountain Day 2022


 Boys from Waurika Cub Scout pack 4460, recently participated in Mountain Man Day hosted by Cub Scout leader Alan Harper. 17 kids participated in the event, and over 40 people were in attendance for the day. Committee member Clay Carter, Den leader JJ Edwards, and other parents and adults helped the boys participate in the event. 

They began the day eating breakfast and learning about cooking in Dutch ovens with Chris Harper. Chris is the Scoutmaster of Troop 49 in Nelson, Missouri, and he has held this position for 34 years. He also serves as the B.S.A. District Executive for the Osage Trails and Kinderhook districts of the Great Rivers Council. After breakfast they divided up into groups for the trapping, leather working and blacksmithing stations. Roy Himebaugh taught the boys about different trapping techniques and why it was an important survival skill for a mountain man to know. He also showed them how he set his traps when he used to run his trap line. Michelle Dyer, pack 4460’s Webelos Den leader, taught the boys about leatherworking. At this station, they were able to design, dye, and stamp their own leather belt to keep. Alan Harper taught the boys about blacksmithing and the importance of blacksmiths in frontier towns. With the help of an adult, and while wearing safety equipment, the boys made a hat/jacket hook for their home. The day ended with eating some Klondike chili and cobbler made by Chris. Everyone enjoyed the day, and leaders are already planning next years activities!

Chris Harper talking to the group about Dutch oven cooking.
Michelle Dyer helping Maddex mark his belt.


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